Terms and Conditions


Welcome to our Website. If you continue to browse and use this Website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern Engage Professional Services Ltd’s relationship with you regarding the use of this Website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use the Website.

Insolvency Wise is a licensed trading style of Engage Professional Services Ltd, who are responsible for the operation and control of this Website, located at www.insolvencywise.com (the ‘Website’)

The aim of this Website is to provide accurate information and give you access to the information, advice and services provided by Engage Professional Services Ltd.

Engage Professional Services Ltd grants visitors to this Website a license to use it in the following ways:

You may view, download specific documents made available for downloading by the Website’s operator and print pages from the Website for your own personal (non-commercial) use, subject to the restrictions set elsewhere in these Terms of Use.

The licence to use this site can be terminated at any time without notice.

You must NOT use our Website in any way that causes, or could cause damage to the Website or disable the availability and accessibility of the Website, or in any other way which is unlawful, fraudulent, illegal or harmful.


All information accessible on this Website is protected by copyright. Users may view Website pages on screen and may print or download extracts for personal use or for use by others within their organisations.

Users may supply a copy of any such extract to any third party provided that:

  • the extract is for their own personal use;
  • the extract is not supplied as part of or incorporated in another work, website or publication;
  • the extract is not supplied either directly or indirectly in return for commercial gain; and
  • the third party is made aware that the source of the copy is this website and that these terms and conditions apply equally to them.

No part of this Website may be reproduced, transmitted to, or stored on any other website or in any other form of electronic medium without Engage Professional Services Ltd’s express written consent.

Continuity and Quality of Service

Engage Professional Services Ltd will use its reasonable endeavours to provide users with a prompt and continuing service. Engage Professional Services Ltd does not, however, warrant that the service it provides will continue uninterrupted or without delay or that it will remain unchanged. In particular, Engage Professional Services Ltd reserves the right to bring the Website down as and when necessary for the purposes of maintenance.

Whilst Engage Professional Services Ltd will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information contained in the Website is correct and reliable, no warranty, either express or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of that information.

The Website is intended to provide users with general information relating to Engage Professional Services Ltd, its various products and services and other financial information which may be of relevance or interest to users. The Website is not intended to provide exhaustive details in respect of any of the issues or matters referred to on it.

Prior to making any decision or taking any action which may potentially affect users’ personal finances or business, users are urged to take independent advice from suitably qualified advisors.

Links to External Sites

The Website may from time to time contain hypertext links to a number of websites owned, operated and controlled by third parties. Engage Professional Services Ltd has no control over or proprietary interest in any of these websites and, as such, makes no warranties with regard to the quality, security, accuracy or any other aspect of such sites, and excludes any and all liability arising from use of the same.

Data Protection

The protection of users’ personal data is of the utmost importance to Engage Professional Services Ltd and Engage Professional Services Ltd does not collect any personal data through its Website without users’ consent. Users alone decide whether to provide Engage Professional Services Ltd with such data or not.

Where users of the Website are able to communicate to Engage Professional Services Ltd personal information via the Website, Engage Professional Services Ltd shall, at all times, process and utilise such personal information provided in accordance with all relevant Data Protection laws. Only authorised employees, under appropriate confidentiality obligations will have access to users’ personal information. If users who have provided Engage Professional Services Ltd with personal information would like to alter their details or check their accuracy, please email us at: [email protected]

Upon access to the Website, information is occasionally collected automatically (i.e., not through a registration), whereby this information cannot be assigned to a specific person (e.g., Internet browser and operating system used; domain name of the website from where users arrived; number of visits, average dwell time, pages called up). Engage Professional Services Ltd uses this information to determine the activity of the Website and improve its content.

When users visit the Website, information may be saved on users’ computers as a ‘cookie’ which is then automatically recognised on the next visit to the Website. Users who do not want Engage Professional Services Ltd to recognise their computers should set their Internet Browsers so that they delete cookies from the computer hard disk, block all cookies or warn users before saving a cookie.


Whilst every effort is made to ensure that any enquiries submitted are dealt with promptly, Engage Professional Services Ltd cannot guarantee that queries will always be dealt with within the timescale users may require.

Engage Professional Services Ltd cannot always guarantee complete confidentiality and would therefore recommend that users do not transmit or include sensitive information, which could be classed as a trade secret, via the Internet.


By accessing this Website, you agree that Engage Professional Services Ltd will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use of this website and/or the information or other material contained in it. Accessing, downloading and/or use of this website by any person is entirely at the risk of such person. Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits the liability of Engage Professional Services Ltd for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Engage Professional Services Ltd.

Engage Professional Services Ltd shall not be liable for any third-party claims or losses of any nature, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, indirect or consequential loss or loss due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

Whilst Engage Professional Services Ltd makes every effort to prevent the intrusion of viruses, worms or any other infectious programming code that could damage or corrupt files on your computer, because the Internet is not a stable medium, Engage Professional Services Ltd cannot be held responsible and will not accept liability for occurrences resulting from the intrusion of viruses, worms or any other infectious programming code that could damage and corrupt files on your computer. Therefore, by using this Website, you, the user of the Website, assumes full responsibility for protecting against such occurrences.

Engage Professional Services Ltd does not accept any liability for any acts or omissions resulting from users’ decisions or opinions formed on the basis of use of the Website

Engage Professional Services Ltd may, at any time change, modify, add to or remove part or all of these terms and conditions. Users should therefore check these terms and conditions periodically to see if they have changed. Continued use of this Website following any change in the terms and conditions will be deemed to constitute the users’ acceptance of those changes.

This website is provided ‘as is’. Whilst Engage Professional Services Ltd takes reasonable care to ensure that the information displayed on this website is correct, no warranty or representation of any kind is given as to the quality, fitness for purpose, usefulness, completeness or performance of the website or its freedom from errors, omissions, inaccuracies or viruses. There may be a delay between the happening of significant changes in the affairs of Engage Professional Services Ltd and this website being updated to reflect those changes.

This also applies for all other websites referred to by means of a hyperlink from time to time. Engage Professional Services Ltd is not responsible for the contents of such websites reached by means of such a link and reserves the right to modify or supplement the information or data provided without prior notice.

The exclusions and limitations in these terms and conditions apply to the extent permitted by law.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law. Disputes in connection with the Website shall be subject to the jurisdiction of English Courts.


We hope that users will find our Website informative and easy to use. We should be grateful to receive any comments or queries that users have concerning the Website, or any suggestions as to how it could be improved. Please e-mail us at [email protected].

Please also read the Engage Professional Services Ltd, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for more information regarding our general business and website usage terms and conditions.