About Us

A business model a long time in the making and now it's here

Here’s how it all started

As accountants, we have seen many Company Directors go through the insolvency process and sadly, many experience personally damaging outcomes.

For us, the most shocking part of it all, is that so many of these adverse situations could have been avoided.

Insolvency Wise is the culmination of our intention to effect change in this market and provide Company Directors with a resource that prepares them in advance of the insolvency process by prioritising their personal interests and so minimise the risks they face of personal liability.

We’re with you right through the insolvency process and out the other end with a range of business support services for those Directors looking to start again.

It all starts with a conversation and our initial consultations are absolutely free and totally confidential.

So what causes the problems?

There are multiple reasons of course, however three key aspects stand out:

Directors simply being unaware of the personal risks of insolvency

Good people just making bad decisions in difficult circumstances

Others walking blindly into a situation where the balance of power immediately changes

For many Company Directors, it results in personal liability, disqualification as a Director or even the loss of personal assets including their home.

Take action now to minimise any personal risk you may face.

The job of the insolvency practitioner

The main priority of an insolvency practitioner in the insolvency process is to look after the interests of creditors and maximise their return, that’s their job and in fact their legal obligation.

We’ve developed a totally different approach

Our primary objective is to look after the personal interests of Company Directors, first and foremost.

We help Company Directors develop a personal survival strategy in advance of the insolvency process to get them through it with minimal difficulty.

We are there for ‘life after the insolvency papers are signed’ with a range of business support services for those Directors ready to start again.

Here’s how we like to do business

Our initial consultations are absolutely free and totally confidential.

We want you to experience the quality of our service before taking action.

You'll find we get right to business and will move quickly if you need to.

Our focus is entirely on you and protecting your interests first and foremost.

We don't see insolvency as the end of the road, we're looking to develop ongoing commercial relationships.

We genuinely enjoy what we do and seeing the positive results of our efforts.

It all starts with a conversation

In times of financial distress, it’s good to get independent objective advice, particularly if you are a sole Director. Make use of our free consultations, this is a conversation you’ll be glad you had.

Here's what we do