We specialise in advising Company Directors in times of financial distress.
Find out if your company can be restructured or if insolvency is required.

Find out how to best protect your own interests from the outset.

Get the answers you need - is your company insolvent or not.

Find out in clear and practical terms what your options are in advance.

Be aware of the personal risks of trading whilst insolvent.

The earlier you get advice, the better your options

Get the information you need, our initial consultations are absolutely free and totally confidential

Our objective:

To provide you with the advice that protects your personal interests, first and foremost.

Book your free consultation and experience the value of our service for yourself.

Problems repaying your Bounce Back Loan?

Take action before the bank does. Creditor appointed insolvencies are better avoided.

Choose what best describes your circumstances

“We’re not insolvent but we need help”

Speak to one of our company recovery and restructuring experts now to assess your business circumstances and options.

“We may be insolvent and need advice”

Take action now to find out where you stand, ensure you follow due process and understand how to best protect your personal interests.

“We’re insolvent and want to close quickly”

If you’re ready to liquidate and want to proceed with the minimum of fuss, go to our Fast Track Online Insolvency Process.

Why you should call us first

You need a clear strategy to protect your own interests and minimise your personal liability before you speak to an insolvency practitioner

An overdrawn Directors Loan Account is a personal problem

Do not speak to an insolvency practitioner until you are clear on how much the account is overdrawn by and have a clear strategy on how to minimise your personal liability.

Staying clear of the personal risks of wrongful trading

There is a set point in time when a Director should be aware the company can’t meet its financial liabilities and from that point you can be personally liable, take advice early.

Avoid the problems of creditor led compulsory liquidation

Don’t let circumstances run ahead of you and don’t think it’s an easy option to close the company. Compulsory liquidation from creditors, HMRC or your bank is always best avoided.


Get the facts on Bounce Back Loans and CBILS regarding company insolvency, the justification of expenditure, and what these loans can and cannot be used for.

Alternative ways to pay for insolvency practitioners fees

Company insolvency means insolvency practitioners fees - however there are ways to minimise any personal costs you may incur and we’ll advise you how, all part of our service.


Speak to our experienced accountants and specialist advisors to find out where you stand and how to best protect your own interests in these difficult circumstances.

Get the advice that’s focused on protecting your personal interests first and foremost

You need to act now, before it’s out of your hands, in protecting your best interests, your personal assets, and minimising any potential problems for your future.

Forewarned is forearmed - get the right advice

UK Supreme Court delivers landmark judgment

For the first time, the Supreme Court has considered whether there is a common law duty on directors to act in the interests of creditors when a company faces insolvency but is not yet in an insolvency process (the so-called twilight zone).

Unanimously agreeing that such a duty does exist, the judgment provides important guidance on when that duty arises and what it requires of directors.

Company Directors Beware of the Misfeasance Claim

Company directors face a heavy burden in circumstances where insolvency threatens at the doorstep.

In those circumstances, the duty of care swings from the shareholders to the company creditors.

The risk of personal liability becomes real and delinquent directors can be called to personally contribute for failing to prevent damage and take proper steps to protect creditors’ interests at the time of the liquidation.

Barclays Bank to chase Covid loan money

Barclays is joining forces with an insolvency specialist to try to recover millions of pounds of misappropriated loans advanced under the UK Government’s Covid-19 bounceback scheme.

The pilot scheme to recover the money, runs until June 2023.

Barclays would issue a winding up petition against non-paying companies, which would then be put into compulsory liquidation administered by the official receiver.

Whether you are looking for advice and guidance at this important juncture, or are ready to liquidate and want to get the process underway, we can accommodate your requirements

Set an appointment for your free consultation​

Get access to our Fast Track Online Process​